German SMS

Woman with coffee texting
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We used to be the kinds of people who vowed to never “butcher” the written language, be it German or English when it came to e-mailing and texting. That was a few years ago. Now, we must admit, having seen so many abbreviations, we have joined countless others, in typing at least the more common abbreviations. Germans, as you may have guessed, use some English SMS, but fortunately, German SMS abounds as well. Why not try to impress a German friend with some SMS German texting? Just be sure of thing - please don’t forget how the words really are spelled…

8tung Achtung – watch out
ads alles deine Schuld – all your fault
akla? alles klar? – everything o.k?
aws auf Wiedersehen – good bye
bb bis bald – see you soon
bda bis dann – till then
bidunowa? Bist du noch wach? – Are you still awake?
braduhi? brauchst du Hilfe? – Do you need help?
bs bis später – till later
dad denke an dich – thinking of you
div danke im Voraus – thank you in advance
dubido du bist doof – you are dumb
ff Fortsetzung folgt – to be continued
g grinsen - smirk
g&k Gruß und Kuss – hug and kiss
gn8 gute Nacht – good night
hdl hab dich Lieb – love you
hegl herzlichen Glückwunsch - congratulations
ild ich liebe dich – I love you
jon jetzt oder nie – now or never
lg liebe Grüße – heartfelt regards
mamim a mail mir mal – e-mail me
mumidire muss mit dir reden – have to talk with you
n8 Nacht - night
nfd nur für dich - only for you
pg Pech gehabt – bad luck
rumian ruf mich an - call me
sfh Schluss für heute- enough for today
siw soweit ich weiß- as far as I know
sz schreib zurück – write back
vlg viele Grüße
vv viel Vergnügen – lots of fun
wamaduheu? was machst du heute? – What are you doing today?
Waudi warte auf dich – wait for you
We Wochenende - weekend

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Your Citation
Bauer, Ingrid. "German SMS." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Bauer, Ingrid. (2023, April 5). German SMS. Retrieved from Bauer, Ingrid. "German SMS." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 25, 2024).