Conjugating Liegen (to Lie, Recline, Rest) in All Tenses

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The German verb liegen (to lie, recline, rest) conjugated in all its tenses and moods.

The irregular/strong verb liegen (lie) is often confused with the regular/weak verb legen (lay). If you have trouble with "lie" and "lay" in English, learning the German distinction will help you! See the legen chart below with examples of the contrast with liegen.

Principal Parts: liegen • lag • gelegen
Imperative (Commands): (du) Lieg(e)! | (ihr) Liegt! | Liegen Sie!

Present Tense - Präsens

ich liege I lie/recline
I am lying/reclining
du liegst you lie/recline
you are lying/reclining
er liegt

sie liegt

es liegt
he lies/reclines
he is lying/reclining
she lies/reclines
she is lying/reclining
it lies/reclines
it is lying/reclining
wir liegen we lie/recline
we are lying/reclining
ihr liegt you (guys) lie/recline
you (guys) are lying/reclining
sie liegen they lie/recline
they are lying/reclining
Sie liegen you lie/recline
you are lying/reclining

Er liegt immer noch im Bett. He's still lying in bed.
München liegt in Bayern. Munich lies [is] in Bavaria.
Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch. The book is (lying) on the table.

Present Tense - Präsens

ich lege I lay/put
I am laying/putting
du legst you lay/put
you are laying/putting
er legt

sie legt

es legt
he lays/puts
he is laying/putting
she lays/puts
she is laying/putting
it lays/puts
it is laying/putting
wir legen we lay/put
we are laying/putting
ihr legt you (guys) lay/put
you (guys) are laying/putting
sie legen they lay/put
they are laying/putting
Sie legen you lay/put
you are laying/putting

Leg das Buch auf den Tisch. Put [lay] the book on the table.

Past Tenses - Präsens

Simple Past Compound Past
ich/er legte
I/he laid/put
ich habe gelegt
I laid/put
I have laid/put
wir/Sie/sie legten
we/you/they laid/put
wir haben gelegt
we laid/put
we have laid/put

Simple Past Tense - Imperfekt

ich lag I laid/reclined
du lagst you laid/reclined
er lag
sie lag
es lag
he laid/reclined
she laid/reclined
it laid/reclined
wir lagen we laid/reclined
ihr lagt you (guys) laid/reclined
sie lagen they laid/reclined
Sie lagen you laid/reclined

Compound Past Tense (Pres. Perfect) - Perfekt

ich habe gelegen I have laid/reclined
I laid/reclined
du hast gelegen you have laid/reclined
you laid/reclined
er hat gelegen

sie hat gelegen

es hat gelegen
he has laid/reclined
he laid/reclined
she has laid/reclined
she laid/reclined
it has laid/reclined
it laid/reclined
wir haben gelegen we have laid/reclined
we laid/reclined
ihr habt gelegen you (guys) have laid/reclined
you laid/reclined
sie haben gelegen they have laid/reclined
they laid/reclined
Sie haben gelegen you have laid/reclined
you laid/reclined

Past Perfect Tense - Plusquamperfekt

ich hatte gelegen I had laid/reclined
du hattest gelegen you had laid/reclined
er hatte gelegen
sie hatte gelegen
es hatte gelegen
he had laid/reclined
she had laid/reclined
it had laid/reclined
wir hatten gelegen we had laid/reclined
ihr hattet gelegen you (guys) had laid/reclined
sie hatten gelegen they had laid/reclined
Sie hatten gelegen you had laid/reclined
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Your Citation
Flippo, Hyde. "Conjugating Liegen (to Lie, Recline, Rest) in All Tenses." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Flippo, Hyde. (2023, April 5). Conjugating Liegen (to Lie, Recline, Rest) in All Tenses. Retrieved from Flippo, Hyde. "Conjugating Liegen (to Lie, Recline, Rest) in All Tenses." ThoughtCo. (accessed April 26, 2024).